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Happy Cat Song!

track cover

By Toby Fox tobyfox Bandcamp tobyfox Twitter Other fwugradiation Tumblr Savior of the Waking World Previous track by this artist Hardchorale Next track by this artist and Michael Guy Bowman bowman Bandcamp YouTube YouTube mguybowman Twitter Other mguybowman Instagram Sburban Jungle Previous track by this artist How Do I Live (Bunny Back in the Box Version) Next track by this artist.
Cover art by strife-kind strife-kind Tumblr.
Released 6/13/2010.
Art released 4/13/2017.
Duration: 0:34.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.

Read artist commentary.

Also released as:

Tracks that Happy Cat Song! references:

Artist commentary:

Michael Guy Bowman: (co-composer, new Homestuck album!) captured 6/18/2010

Radiation, or Toby as I've never actually had the chance to refer to him, sent me his midi arrangement of Happy Cat Song, a sort of lighthearted version of Chorale for Jaspers, so I loaded VSTs for each part and balanced it, along with adding a "meow" sample in for good measure. The effect of it reminds Tavia of arriving in a village in "final fantasy or chrono cross or something and it's initially all peaceful and then by the end of the game it's totally raped and pillaged." So the calm before the storm then? MEOW

Michael Guy Bowman: (Music and Stuff) captured 3/26/2011

A lot of tracks on Volume 5. There's a few different "Chorale" arrangements on here, of which I participated in two - for "Happy Cat Song!" I produced and provided vocal samples, and for "Hardchorale" I brought the house down with a series of loud meows that almost got me evicted from my apartment (the video does exist, I promise).

Michael Guy Bowman: (Michael Guy Bowman Talks About His Homestuck Music, adapted to text)

There was another, like, twenty second (Caption in post: 35 seconds) Toby Fox-produced Chorale for Jaspers that was called "Happy Cat Song!" - I really only set that into the program, into FL Studio, and chose the synth patches for it, like, hardly anything else. I think he expected me to go somewhere with it, and... I was just like... I don't know what to do with it. So, twenty seconds, somehow ended up on an album!

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