![track cover](https://media.hsmusic.wiki/album-art/v8lume/heckacious.small.jpg)
By cryptologicalMystic
Cooler and Newer Community Garden
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Cover art by cryptologicalMystic
Cooler and Newer Community Garden
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Willful Cryptanalysis
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Released 1/14/2017.
Duration: 1:07.
Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.
Read artist commentary.
Artist commentary:
cryptologicalMystic: (Composer)
The reason that this song sounds random is that it really is random. I found a sheet music generator online (randomsheetmusic.com, if you must know) and painstakingly typed the output into MuseScore (it was the only one I found that actually worked for what I want, and it didn't support MIDIs). I think my rationale for doing so was half deficiency in original composition techniques (seriously, look at my SoundCloud, it's all remixes, all of it) and half a pretense of "oh, since Hecka Jeff is a corrupt(ed?) character, his music should be corrupt as well" to hide the fact that I really didn't know what I was doing. I don't know why this made it onto Vol. 8 at all, actually.
cryptologicalMystic: (Artist)
I have an old version of the track art. It's slightly disturbing in a way incompatible with the idea of the track, which is why it's not the final version. It looks like a dolphin. Not sure why I kept it, except to laugh at.