Hold My Hand
![track cover](https://media.hsmusic.wiki/album-art/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-2/cover.small.jpg)
Album cover for Tumblrstuck/bent OST: Volume 2
By Samm Neiland
Monk of Time
Previous track by this artist
Rogue of Light
Next track by this artist.
Released 3/11/2013.
Duration: 2:29.
Listen on Bandcamp.
Read artist commentary.
Artist commentary:
(original commentary)
another chiptuney piece, potentially for redlightstuck, buuuuut that depends on if it fits. otherwise its just for your listening preference.
this song was actually inspired by a wind up ballerina toy my mom has. fits rather will with the spinning dancer image really.
(commentary redux)
i made it for a thing for a while ago that sorta just kinda never came to be but sorta rediscovered it and kinda finished/fixed some stuff with it initially?
idk, anyway. it kinda makes me think about something prospitian in a way so i'm probably gonna use it for my fanventure he-yup.