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Occult Hymns

track cover

By Rainy andyomon00 SoundCloud rainywishes Tumblr YouTube YouTube andyomon00 Twitter A Portrait Of Ruin Previous track by this artist Go Beyond And Fight Further (Ft. Tee-Vee and NezumiVA) Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Larry Reverie LarryReverie Twitter Life In Motion Next track art by this artist.
Released 11/4/2023.
Duration: 3:13.

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Artist commentary:

Rainy: (YouTube / SoundCloud descriptions, excerpt)

Out of all the songs on the album, this one took the longest to put together. Initially, this was going to be a collab between me and dbnet but for time constraint reasons it fell through. I wrote the initial demo very early on but it wound up being the last song I wrote on the album. For this track I wanted to write something in the vein of Secret of Mana’s “Viridian Dance.” However, as I got to writing parts for the collab, the songs concept mutated. I was listening to “Battle on the Big Bridge” from Final Fantasy V and though it would be interesting if wrote an opening 6/4 arpeggio section just like that song. From there, I went wild lol. One of my biggest regrets with this album was the fact I didn’t use odd time signature as much as I would have liked. To make up for it, I went hard on the time signatures on this track. This is the closest thing to an outright progressive rock song I’ve ever written and I’m pretty proud of it.

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