Take a Stand!
![track cover](https://media.hsmusic.wiki/album-art/stlap/take-a-stand.small.jpg)
By Sunbent.
Cover art by SoulofWoods
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Released 4/13/2018.
Duration: 6:58.
Listen on YouTube.
Read artist commentary.
- CALIKID (some help)
Tracks that Take a Stand! references: Tracks that this one references:
Artist commentary:
Sunbent: (composer, booklet commentary)
A pretty long one, and i guess it's kind of a non cannon afterwards to collide in my mind. I refrained from using leomotifs because I honestly don't think this song needs it. Now if you watched collide, it never actually showed them killing lord English right? Well this is in my mind the battle theme to what happened there. If you want you can watch the YouTube theories but simply put, after collide vriska summons more powerful beta (and possibly alpha) kids out of her sburb house thingy. So basically it beta kids, vriska and the ghost army vs lord English. And thats the song. I considered calling it "collide v3" but i felt it was too obvious.