Tea with Duke von Whiskerton
![track cover](https://media.hsmusic.wiki/album-art/little-cubes-and-tea/cover.small.jpg)
Album cover for Little Cubes and Tea
By Devieus
Littlest Cubes of sugary white
Previous track by this artist
Littlest Cubes of caffeinated sugary white
Next track by this artist.
Released 7/28/2013.
Duration: 1:31.
Listen on Bandcamp.
Read artist commentary.
Artist commentary:
This was made in a tracker, it's pretty obvious to those with keen hearing; to those with slightly less keen hearing, it wasn't made in Mario Paint Composer, I just extracted the soundbits from the soundfont that came with MPC. To the people with regular hearing, Duke von Whiskerton is now canon.