Additional or alternate names:
- Vigoratus (quirk-free)
By Llyona Fang
Whispering Chucklevoodoo
Previous track by this artist
Wind-up Storm
Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Donomon
Expatri8's March
Previous track art by this artist
Next track art by this artist.
Released 8/27/2017.
Duration: 3:42.
Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.
Read artist commentary.
Tracks that Vwigor8us references: Tracks that this one references:
- Wind-up Storm by Llyona Fang
- Doctor by Buzinkai and Clark Powell
Artist commentary:
A deep and lively dancing tune in 6/8 and 5/4 time, containing excerpts of Wind-up Storm by Llyona Fang (me) and Doctor by Buzinkai.
Here's my finished art, I went pretty literal, and tried to capture more of a 'falling in love/good times' feel that the upbeat music inspired. There's some hints of their conflict, Mindfang's hair is engulfing and overwhelming, Duelscar's possessive embrace is being held at a distance.