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Waiting For Adventure [Loading Screen]

track cover

By Michael Guy Bowman bowman Bandcamp YouTube YouTube mguybowman Twitter Other mguybowman Instagram Another Countdown Previous track by this artist Hard Reset Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Tavia Morra seeyoutmorra Tumblr SeeYouTMorra Twitter Other Underfoot Previous track art by this artist CumuloSeerus [Oracle Clouds] Next track art by this artist.
Released 11/24/2012.
Duration: 1:28.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.

Read artist commentary.

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Artist commentary:

Michael Guy Bowman:

So this being arguably the third time I've written the same song from a functional perspective, "Waiting for Adventure" is definitely a hell of an exercise for me. The melody is halfway between "Sburban Jungle" and "Another Jungle" and was probably the least involved element. Everything else was an attempt to find a heavier sound than I had attempted with either of my tracks from the Homestuck soundtrack, and I guess this time around I made it happen. While the other two score a lot more merits for memorability, composition, and length, this one was definitely the most fun to produce - unlike its two predecessors it's more of an ass-shaker than a head-banger, so I like that.

Tavia Morra:

Between the time I finished Fly to when I was asked to make art for the Sburb OST, I had just picked up a book comprised entirely of panels and pictures of art deco design by Eugene Grasset. I was quite taken with the style and decided to add hints of it in the compositions of my Sburb OST art.

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