Additional or alternate names:
- What Was Y'all Thinkin'? (YouTube)
- What Was Y'all Thinkin'? (SoundCloud, minus album name)
(SoundCloud URL, minus album name)
By Rainy
Previous track by this artist
Do You Dream of Electric Sheep?
Next track by this artist.
Cover art by dizzims.
Heart of the Land
Previous track art by this artist
Do You Dream of Electric Sheep?
Next track art by this artist.
Released 6/19/2020.
Duration: 2:38.
Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, or SoundCloud.
Read artist commentary.
Tracks that reference What was Ya'll Thinking?: Tracks that reference this one:
- From Fandom: Tracks from Fandom that reference this one:
- Twilight Dreamers by Rainy
- Nemesis by Rainy
- Josh's Theme by Rainy
- Lunar Collapse by Spoofymaru
Artist commentary:
Rainy: (YouTube / SoundCloud descriptions, excerpt)
When I asked if we needed any more tracks for Vol.2, Dizzy told me that she wanted a theme for everyone's favorite gamer, Josh Summer. She and Joseph said wanted something in a similar vain to "Arcjec's theme" from the Vast Error Album, Catch 322. Since that's like one of my favorite tracks from the Vast Error soundtrack, I was very much chomping at the bit to do Josh's theme. In terms of actual inspiration, I took influence from Walkaround style music found on albums like Alterniabound and the aforementioned catch 322. I also took notable influence from "Red Sucker" and the works of Carpenter Brute to create this really intense electronic rock song. Also before y'all ask, the title is a reference to a tik-tok that Joseph likes.