Yūyūki Medley
![track cover](https://media.hsmusic.wiki/album-art/super-smash-bros-ultimate/cover.small.jpg)
Album cover for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
By Yūyūki
Battle Theme (Yūyūki)
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Edge of Adversity
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Released 12/7/2018.
Duration: 2:46.
This wiki doesn't have any listening links for Yūyūki Medley.
Tracks that Yūyūki Medley references: Tracks that this one references:
- Opening Title (Yūyūki) by Yūyūki and Soyo Oka
- Name Entry (Yūyūki) by Yūyūki and Soyo Oka
- Battle Theme (Yūyūki) by Yūyūki and Soyo Oka
- Meteor Shower by Yūyūki and Soyo Oka
- GO WEST! by Yūyūki and Soyo Oka
- Dancing People by Yūyūki and Soyo Oka
- Demo BGM (Yūyūki) by Yūyūki and Soyo Oka
- Women Village by Yūyūki and Soyo Oka
- Parting Ways by Yūyūki and Soyo Oka
- Bull Demon King Clear by Yūyūki and Soyo Oka