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Appears in 43 cover arts.

Lunar Solace (Artwork by Monckat)

body horror (abstract)
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Grimnarc Voodoo (Artwork by piskomil)
deadkidsGodhood (Artwork by Monckat)
Eyes in the Abyss (Artwork by CreamBouo)
Faces of Oglogoth (Artwork by Xszelor)
Furthest Ringside (Artwork by Monckat)
Infinite Zest (Artwork by Monckat)
A Story That Consumes Itself (Artwork by piskomil)
Face of Oglogoth - cover LP (Artwork by Xszelor)

eye horror, blood (abstract)
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Of the Grim and Godlike - Spad3s Deathstep Remix (Artwork by wumby)
Those Who Tread the Furthest Ring (Artwork by animmania)

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Celestic Aviators (Artwork by animmania)
Moonlight Waltz (Artwork by KiddleScribbles)
Whispering Leviathan (Artwork by Circlejourney)
~~Disc 2~~ (Artwork by Hilaletto)
Stop Time/End Space (Artwork by Frost Carter)

body horror
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Stubborn Throes (Artwork by Neiratina)
Skaian Rebirth (Artwork by Sam Garcia)
Octoroon Rangoon (Artwork by enjistier)
Bed of Rose's / Dreams of Derse (Artwork by Seagrot)

blood, corpse
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Doctor Remix (Artwork by imflare)
Damara's Night Core (Artwork by Nights)
Liquid Nightcorecity (Artwork by Nights)
Rose-a-Coaster (Artwork by Skyplayer)
AAAAAAAAAAAAA Canon remix (not actually cannon though) cannon remix: THIT ONE IS CANON. (Artwork by NyashAlex)
Cognize (Artwork by Nights)
Skaian Skaia of Skaia (Artwork by Nights)
Midnight Suffer (Artwork by Makin)
Midnight Suffer (Artwork by Makin)
♫ Disc 2 ♫ (Artwork by Lovisa Lassen)
Motions of Infinity (Artwork by Rangzhe)
Hymn of the Horrorterrors (Artwork by ladylovelycocks)
Medium (Artwork by Scarodactyl)
Chronology (Artwork by Skylar)
I'm The Doctor (Artwork by Strideer)
Prophecy (Artwork by Daysi)
Eldritch Murmurs [Horrorterrors] (Artwork by Vero)
Battle Against an Unfathomable Enemy (Artwork by Molly Gur)
The Vast Glub (Artwork by M. Schmahl)
Rustless Fall (Artwork by Kadi Fedoruk)
Drift into the Sun (Artwork by Zilon)
Black Rose / Green Sun (Artwork by Vinks, Shelby Cragg)
Earthsea Borealis (Artwork by Molly Gur)
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